Blog Entries


Murphy's Day

Murphy’s Day!

Wondering how to pass a long day at home?

Here are a few ideas for everyone!


Boy, Do I Miss Baseball!

Number 1 Mets fan, Dusty, is anxiously awaiting Opening Day. Here are some books and websites that Dusty recommends:

April is National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month, a celebration of poetry which takes place each April, was introduced in 1996 and is organized by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States.  The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot has long been considered controversial since it is open to many interpretations.  What do you think?

Dan's Science Fiction & Fantasy Reviews - Week 1

Adult services librarian and science fiction / fantasy nerd Dan Glauber kicks off his series of reviews with “How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse” by K. Eason. Rory Thorne is a princess with thirteen fairy blessings, the most important of which is to see through flattery and platitudes. First in a duology that reimagines fairy tale tropes within a space opera—The Princess Bride meets Princess Leia.


Find yourself missing school?  Check out these school stories, available on Overdrive!

Kids Crafts with Karen - Flower Finger Puppet

Hi Kids,

Since it’s spring-let’s make a flower finger puppet! All you need are markers and scissors. Oh and grab your grown up and ask them to download the pattern and instructions. Click on the images below to enlarge and print.

Book Recommendations by Sheela Chari - Week 1

Sheela Chari, local author and facilitator of Not Your Kid’s Book Club, shares which books you might want to check out and why. This week, Sheela reviews The Whole Story of Half a Girl, Bomb and Warcross. They are all available on the Cloud.