Glowforge Pro Laser Cutter
Laser Power: 45 watts Laser Type: Custom CO2 Glass Laser Tube capable of continuous operation at 10,600 nm
Residents can use their Scarsdale Library Card to use the makerspace's Glowforge Pro laser cutting machine. Patrons can book up to 4 hours per week. Patrons are responsible for bringing their own material to cut and engrave.
For clarification or assistance on our laser cutter, feel free to reach out via email to makerspace@scarsdalelibrary.org.
How to Sign Up
First time users of this machine in the makerspace will be required to take a 20 minute training session. This training will take place at the beginning of your first reservation. Patrons will only have to complete this training once and should plan for it during their first reservation.
- View and book available time slots at this link.
- Time slots are available two weeks into the future. Patrons can book up to four hours per week.
- Patrons will need to fill out a Makerspace User Agreement agreeing to the Makerspace Terms of Use upon entering the makerspace. This form only needs to be filled out once and will be kept on file.
Knowing the following will ensure you get the most out of your Open Maker visit:
- Our Glowforge training course on Niche Academy is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended to help you familiarize yourself with the machine before your first reservation.
- What will you need to bring for your project: The makerspace has masking materials, cardstock, and very limited scrap materials for test cuts. Patrons should plan to bring their own material for their projects. More details can be found below under Materials & Supplies.
- When you arrive for your reservation, check in at a service desk (welcome desk, reference desk, etc.). A staff member needs to escort you to the makerspace due to its location.
- Makers arriving more than 15 minutes late for their reservation may lose their reservation(s) for the day. Repeated failures to show up for reservations (without canceling) will result in Open Maker privileges being temporarily revoked.
- Makerspace staff is only available to help with set-up and to answer basic questions. If you need detailed assistance attend one of our Maker 101 programs or email makerspace@scarsdalelibrary.org for additional guidance.
Materials & Supplies
Patrons are responsible for bringing in the material they wish to cut and engrave. A current list of approved materials and vendors can be found here.
Tutorials & Resources
SPL has a Niche Academy tutorial on how to use our Glowforge that you can complete before your visit to learn how the machine works. You can access it (and our other Niche Academy lessons) here.
Glowforge also has several tutorials available online that walk through various design and engraving methods, all linked here.
Where to Find Designs
Patrons can put together with their own designs in the Glowforge design application, which has its own free design library, but there are many resources available online which offer more variety. A few you can browse are:
Note that some of these sites also have paywalled designs, so be sure to stick to the free collections when browsing if that's what you prefer. In addition to these sites, SVG, PDF, JPG, and PNG files are all compatible and can be uploaded to and edited in the Glowforge app.

This service has been made possible by the generosity of the Friends of the Scarsdale Library.