What does my card do?
Your Scarsdale Library card is a ticket for far more than just books. With your Library card you have access to dozens of digital resources, free museum passes and much more. Be sure to visit our Download & Stream page to learn more. Library cards issued by the Scarsdale Public Library may be used in any Westchester County public library.

Who can get a library card?
Adults and children who live in the Village of Scarsdale are eligible for a card from the Scarsdale Public Library. Children under the age of thirteen (13) can get a card with a parent or guardian. You are responsible for all material borrowed on your card or your child’s card.

What do I need to get a card?
Scardsale residents need an acceptable form of personal identification which is something with proof of name and street address, for example: driver’s license, tax bill, rent receipt, utility bill, first class mail with a recent postmark. Young adults over the age of thirteen (13) can use their School ID with additional proof of address to obtain a card ( family mail, school documents with name and address, etc). Non-Scarsdale residents are not eligible for a Scarsdale library card.

Where do I get a card?
You can apply for a library card online below. Cards will be mailed out within a week of receiving your application. When you've received your card in the mail, please come to the Circulation Desk with your ID to validate your account. Applications for Library cards are available at the Circulation Desk. A card will be issued to you on the spot for immediate use. Please bring your card with you each time you visit the Library.

How do I renew or replace my card?
If you’ve lost your Scarsdale library card, stop by the library with an acceptable form of personal identification, and we will be happy to replace it for free. Acceptable forms of personal identification include something with proof of name and street address, for example: driver’s license, tax bill, rent receipt, utility bill, first class mail with a recent postmark.
Click to find out all you need to know about renewing your expiring or expired library card.