What is the Scarsdale Library Writers' Center?
Hosted by the Scarsdale Public Library with support from the Friends of the Scarsdale Library, the Writers' Center is a virtual community of writers looking to hone their craft, promote their projects, and exchange ideas about evolving markets and other publishing topics. Our programs include:
- Ongoing writer critique groups, in which writers can share their work in a supportive and nurturing environment
- Craft workshops led by faculty from the Sarah Lawrence College Writing Institute
- A periodic “social issues” workshop for writers interested in exploring their feelings and thoughts about contemporary developments and current events
- An annual Local Author Fair, where local authors can showcase and sell their books.
- A semi-annual Festival of Writing, where writers from our critique groups can share their work before an audience of family and friends.
Our workshop program is led by Barbara Josselsohn and Jimin Han.
If you have questions about joining or would like to be on our mailing list, please send an email to Barbara at WritersCenter@scarsdalelibrary.org. In addition, please like us on Facebook and follow us on X(@SPLWriters) for announcements about Writers Center programs as well as links to our writers’ published works.
Resources for Writers
- Academic OneFile – A great source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world’s leading journals and reference sources.
- General OneFile – A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily.
- JSTOR – A full text-archive of scholarly journals. Available in the library only.
These resources provide contact information for publishers, magazines, editors, and literary agents. When soliciting a piece to a publication these resources will assist you in determining magazines and newspapers that best suit your work. Matching your work with a suitable publication will increase its likelihood of being accepted for publication. You can find most of these publications at the public library.
- Literary Market Place
- Guide to Literary Agents
- Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors, and Literary Agents
- Writer's Digest Magazine
- The Elements of Style
- The Chicago Manual of Style
- New York Times Manual of Style and Usage