In our makerspace residents can use their Scarsdale Library Card to access a variety of machines for individual or collaborative use. Click the images below for specific details about our available maker machines including what is needed to reserve one for personal use. Make a reservation during one of our Open Maker times, and staff will be available to help you get started and/or to answer basic questions.
Just added:
Our Glowforge Pro laser cutter is now available for reservations during Open Maker Time! Find more information below and check out our Glowforge Niche Academy tutorial, plus all of our makerspace Niche Academy how-tos here.
Not sure where to start?
Register for one of our Maker 101 programs to learn how to use our maker machines plus make something to take home in the process. We provide the materials and the know-how. Read the program description to see if you might need to provide a computer/tablet/phone. Maker 101 programs are offered throughout the year, so there will be other opportunities to join if you are unable to attend our current offerings.
Need more flexibility?
Log into Craft & Hobby with your Scarsdale Library Card and explore in-depth online instructional videos and classes that span 22 different creative categories plus yoga and fitness. Learn a new hobby or improve your skills at the time of your choosing.
Knowing the following will ensure you get the most out of your Open Maker visit:
- Confirm what tools and materials we provide for each machine, and what you will need to bring for your project here.
- When you arrive for your reservation, check in at a service desk (welcome desk, reference desk, etc.). A staff member needs to escort you to the makerspace due to its location.
- Makers arriving more than 15 minutes late for their reservation may lose their reservation(s) for the day. Repeated failures to show up for reservations (without canceling) will result in Open Maker privileges being temporarily revoked.
- Makerspace staff is only available to help with set-up and to answer basic questions. If you need detailed assistance attend one of our Maker 101 programs or email for additional guidance.
Upcoming Makerspace Events
Open Maker
Open Maker
Open Maker
Laser Cutting 101: Heart Shaped Box
Try out the makerspace's new Glowforge laser cutter (soon to be available during Open Maker Time!) by personalizing and building a heart shaped stash box for Valentine's Day, or shatter it dramatically for anti-Valentine's Day.
Please note that photographs and/or footage may be taken throughout the event. These will be used by the library for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media. Please consult with a librarian if you have any concerns or if you wish to be exempt from this activity.Open Maker
Open Maker
Open Maker
Click to view our Makerspace Terms of Use and Makerspace User Agreement . Makers who reserve equipment will need to sign a Makerspace User Agreement or have one on file.