Code of Conduct

Last Updated:

The Scarsdale Public Library and its staff are committed to providing a safe, comfortable and pleasant atmosphere in which people can use the Library and its resources. Everyone can help achieve this goal by following the rules listed below.

Be considerate of other Library users and Library staff:

  • Appropriate attire to a public building, including footwear, must be worn on Library property.
  • Please keep noise to an appropriate level so that it does not interfere with the use of the Library by others.
  • Those whose odor impairs the ability of other users to use the Library may be required to leave the building.
  • We expect all discourse to be conducted in a courteous and respectful manner.
  • The Library is a neutral space and staff are not at liberty to discuss political issues at service points.
  • Only service animals or animals used in Library programs are permitted in the building.
  • Beverages in closed containers are permitted.
  • All food must be consumed in the Library cafe except when part of a Library function.
  • Please clean up after yourself using appropriate receptacles.
  • Use the Library equipment, materials and furniture properly and for their intended use. No feet on the furniture, please.
  • The Quiet Reading Room is designated for quiet study. Cell phones should be put on vibrate or silent mode when in the library. Cell phone voice calls are permitted only in the cafe and outside the building.
  • Photography or taping of the Library and its collections, exhibits, staff and users is permitted only with the prior approval of the Library Director or designated representative.

For everyone’s safety:

  • Personal property may not obstruct aisles, walkways or seating.
  • Please do not enter staff designated areas such as behind service desks and staff offices unless invited by a staff member.
  • Please do not run in the building.
  • Skates, rollerblades, skateboards and recreational scooters may not be used in or around the building.
  • The Library is not responsible for the care of unattended children. Please refer to our Unattended Children policy for further information.

The following behaviors and activities are not permitted:

  • Physically or verbally assaulting, threatening, intimidating, harassing or abusing any other person.
  • Smoking, vaping and the possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs. (The Library Director may grant exceptions to the use of alcohol for specific programs or events.)
  • Any form of sexual misconduct, such as exposure, offensive touching or sexual harassment as defined by New York State law.
  • Damaging, destroying, defacing or stealing property belonging to the Library, a Library user or a staff member.
  • Possession of a weapon as defined by NYS Penal Law 265 by anyone other than a law enforcement officer.
  • Prolonged or noisy sleeping.
  • Soliciting, distributing materials or selling tickets or merchandise on Library property, except as authorized by Library policy. Obtaining signatures on petitions and surveying Library users are restricted to the lobby and exterior of the building.
  • Behavior disturbing other patrons’ use of the Library, including the viewing of offensive websites.

The Scarsdale Public Library:

  • Is not responsible for any personal property. Personal items left in the Library may be discarded.
  • Reserves the right to inspect all backpacks, briefcases, handbags and other packages.
  • Reserves the right to limit the number of persons who can sit together.
  • Reserves the right to impose time limits on the use of Library resources.

This Code of Conduct is not a complete list of violations, and is intended for guidance only. The Library staff is authorized to take appropriate action against any other behavior which can reasonably be deemed to be offensive or disturbing to Library users or staff.

The Library Director or staff may expel any person who, when advised of these rules, fails to comply. Staff is authorized to call the Scarsdale Police department, if necessary.

Violators of these rules may be banned from the Library for a period to be determined by the Library Director, and their Library privileges may be restricted or terminated. In addition, violation of these rules or failure to abide by such banning may lead to arrest and criminal prosecution.

We thank you in advance for adhering to the Scarsdale Public Library’s policies. Your cooperation will allow all Library users to enjoy and benefit from the resources we provide.

Approved by the Scarsdale Public Library Board of Trustees 

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