Spring Updates to Overdrive and the Westchester Libraries Catalog

Overdrive to Libby

On May 1, 2023, the OverDrive app will be discontinued. We encourage you to make the switch to Libby, the newer reading app. 

Download Libby or visit libbyapp.com to get started.

The Catalog-Save Your Reading Lists

Later this month, the Westchester Library System is giving the public catalog a complete makeover so that materials are easier for you to "discover." It has a fresh look and feel, includes a fully Spanish language interface option in addition to English, eContent is integrated (such as e-books and e-audiobooks with the exception of the Cloud Library since it is not Westchester wide), and more!

In the interim, WLS is working to transfer over any book lists you've made and saved in your catalog account. HOWEVER, as a precautionary measure, they strongly recommend that you download any saved lists from your account BEFORE APRIL 24, just in case the transfer does not happen as planned.

If you made book lists, go to our catalog (https://catalog.westchesterlibraries.org/) and log in. 

From your account page, open the My Lists tab and scroll down to the My Existing Basket and Lists section.

  1. To the right of each Saved List, click the Download CSV button.
  2. Save the CSV file.
  3. Locate your downloaded book lists in your downloads folder.




Published by on April 08, 2023
Last Modified February 17, 2025