What's your worst irrational fear?

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the 10th installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest question for you is: What's your worst irrational fear?

Here's what you said:

  • all my teeth getting knocked out
  • living forever (immortality)
  • Jesus <3
  • dinosaur (again)
  • running out of toilet paper
  • my family/friends committing suicide (not totally irrational)
  • belly button
  • I am terrified of the dark & having my back exposed (obviously to people with knives)

Our next Post-it Prompt will be posted the week of May 16, 2022.

This project is brought to you by Scarsdale Public Library's Teen Services Department & Teen Advisory Board.

Published by Jennifer Brinley on March 19, 2022
Last Modified July 27, 2024