Blog Entries


Name a creature that seems impossible but exists anyway.

Hello Scarsdale Teens!

Here's the 13th installment of our bite-sized writing exercise: Post-it Prompts!

Our latest prompt for you is: Name a creature that seems impossible but exists anyway.

Here's what you said:

  • duck-billed platypus
  • geoduck ("gooey-duck")
  • dinosaur
  • narwhal
  • axolotl
  • bumble bee
  • your dad/mom

Our next Post-it Prompt will launch in December.

October Thrills and Chills - 2022

Who doesn’t love October? The blaze of color, the brisk, bold weather, the brief, bright  interlude between summer and winter - for many, October is the highlight of the year.  Of course, October culminates with Halloween, notable for pranks, clanging door bells, costumes and too much candy.

Hilary Mantel, July 6, 1952 - September 22, 2022

Hilary Mantel, who became a household name with the publication of her second novel, Wolf Hall in 2009, died on September 22, 2022.  The 70 year old author had twice won the esteemed Booker Prize, for Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, both part of a trilogy based on the life of Thomas Cromwell.  Regarded by critics as one of the greatest English writers of this century, Mantel had published 17 books and had been working on a screenplay and various other works at the time of her death.  Click on the

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 in the Teen Room

¡Viva la Cultura!

Ever since 1968, Americans have observed National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th through October 15th, where the contributions, histories, and cultures of those from Spain, Latin America, and the Caribbean are celebrated. Scarsdale Public Library's Teen Room is no different and would like to take the time to showcase some of the best Young Adult lit written by and for those of Hispanic Heritage.

Little Free Libraries

Here is a map of the bookish spots in Scarsdale where you can find some of your summer reading titles!

Scan the QR code below to view the full map on your mobile device.



Dog Days of Summer - 2022

Welcome to the “Dog Days,” the time of year synonymous with the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.” The name conjures up images of dappled dogs dozing in the sun but have you ever wondered where the term originated and what it actually means?  The “Dog Days,” which officially begin on July 3 and end on August 11, coincide with Sirius, the Dog Star, rising and setting with the sun. Known as the Dog Star because it is part of the constellation Canis Major, Latin for “Greater Dog,” Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame 2022

Have you ever wondered why baseball is referred to as our national pastime?  Even the  poet Walt Whitman called it ‘‘America’s game.” Although baseball comes in a distant third to football and basketball in television ratings, the game remains our national sport because it resonates more deeply in America’s heart than any other sport, inciting fierce  loyalties that span generations.

Beach Reads 2022

There’s no better vacation - or staycation - companion than a good book, a real page turner that you absolutely cannot put down. The books pictured below encompass a wide variety of styles and themes; the one thing they have in common is their ability to transport.  Click on a book jacket to be taken to a catalog link.  

“One benefit of Summer was that each day we had more light to read by.” Jeannette Walls

Independence Day - July 4, 2022

The Fourth of July, aka Independence Day, is surely the most iconic of American holidays.  The official birthday of the United States has long been celebrated with fireworks and family gatherings but the day did not officially become a paid holiday for federal employees until 1941. A bit of background: on July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence from Great Britain and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and edited by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.

Scarsdale Public Library Teen Services Department 2022 Summer Reading Challenge

Dear Scarsdale Teens,

If you are a rising 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grader and you are prepared to track your time spent reading this July and August in Beanstack (via mobile app or online at, please register for the Teen Services Department's summer reading challenge! The challenge itself is to read 20 hours during summer break and to log your reading in Beanstack under the Teenstack banner.

Summer Reading 2022 is Here!

It's here, the best time of the year... SUMMER READING! This year, we're challenging kids to read (or be read to) for 30 hours between June 24th and August 20th.