Blog Entries


Storm Front Video Review

Today I’m going to be talking about “Storm Front,” the first book in the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Butcher wrote “Storm Front” in 1996 as an exercise for a creative writing course when he was only 25. It was published by Roc/Penguin Books in 2000. Since then Butcher has written a total of 17 Dresden Files novels, including the latest, “Battle Ground,” scheduled to be released in September of this year. He has also written a number of short stories in the Dresden Files universe, published in two collections: “Side Jobs” and “Brief Cases.”

Riddle Me This Week 16

Greetings and Salutations,

 “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”

Dr.Seuss One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Here are this week’s riddles!


Not too difficult

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?


Moderately difficult

What has a neck but no head?

Kids Crafts with Karen-Light up the night!

Small flashes of light flicker in the dark summer sky. Lightning bugs are luminescent, they have the ability to create their own light in yellow, orange or green. This week we will create our own version of these winged beetles.

Claudette’s Kitchen- Pizza Poppers

Bell Peppers, also known as sweet peppers are capsicum. This is the fruit of plants in the Grossum Cultivar group. This pepper comes in a bright variety of colors such as red,orange,yellow, and green. You can find these peppers in every supermarket, farmers market, and most backyard gardens! They can be used for a variety of side dishes and garnishing on salads and meals. They originate from Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America.

Summer Camp Stories

Camp is a defining experience of summer for some kids. This year, many camps aren’t happening, and those that are on look different from years past. If your kids are longing for the traditions of summer camp, books are here to help!

Claudette’s Kitchen- Blueberry Cake

Berry season is in full swing around here! The blueberry is one of the most tasty (although sometimes tart) fruits native to North America. They are grown commercially throughout the U.S & Europe, but can also be found within several gardens.

Books for Hamilton Fans of All Ages

Want to brush up on your historical knowledge before tuning in this Fourth of July weekend? Or maybe just read some of the fun fiction that has sprung up surrounding these larger than life historical figures? The library has you covered with e-book recommendations for the whole family.

Kids Crafts with Karen- Fantastic Fireworks!

These fireworks are safe but fun and fancy. I hope you enjoy making them. Happy Fourth of July!

What you will need: 3 pieces of paper 6″ x 11 (color of your choice-I used red, white and blue); scissors and tape.

Fold the paper in half and cut slits in it until you are about a half inch from the bottom. The strips should be about a 1/4″ or so. You don’t have to measure you can just eyeball it . Do this for all 3 papers.

Stack the papers on top of each other and roll them up.

Books to Celebrate July 4

Every American school child learns that the Fourth of July, or Independence Day, commemorates the birth of the United States as an independent nation.  On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson.