Blog Entries



May is Mental Health Awareness Month; it is almost a certainty that many of us are seeking support for ourselves or our loved ones during these times.

Get Ready, Get Set, Garden!

We might have had a few chilly days over the past couple of weeks, but it’s quickly becoming clear that spring is here! If you’re itching to get outside, starting a garden is a fun, safe way to spend time outside with kids. It can be as simple as planting a seed in a pot, or as complex as starting your own victory garden. There’s a fit for every family! Here’s a collection of amazing resources for you, no matter the scale of your project. 

Claudette's Kitchen- Let's Beet Around the Bush for a Minute...

Winning ways to whip up wellness!

Did you know that beets are one of the coolest vegetables? Beets can be beneficial to the body in many ways. Their purposes range from curing hangovers, eliminating head dandruff, making a delicious additive to port wine, and even serve as a love potion to make the heart grow fonder A.K.A an aphrodisiac. Even astronauts know how out of this world beets can be being that they’re often a snack of choice.

Nancy Recommends

Beloved librarian, and leader of Nancy’s Book Group, has stopped by again with even more recommendations; so many that we have put them into a playlist!  It starts with Clara Black . If you are interested in any of these works, check The Cloud Library or Overdrive

What's Over Your Shoulder?

Recently the New York Times published a fun article in which the bookshelves of famous folks were visible over their shoulders during interviews. Check it out here . Despite my lack of fame, I figured I’d join in, hence my messy bookshelf up there to the left.

Literary Moms We Love

In honor of Mother’s Day, here is just a small handful of the BEST moms in middle grade and teen literature!

Riddle Me This Week 5

Greetings and Salutations,

 “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”

Dr.Seuss One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Here are this week’s riddles!


Not too difficult

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?


Moderately difficult

Review – "The Ten Thousand Doors of January"

“The Ten Thousand Doors of January” is the first novel of Alix E. Harrow, and it is a tour de force of lyricism. It is a portal fantasy in the same vein as the Narnia books, Alice in Wonderland, and more recently Seanan McGuire’s “Every Heart a Doorway”. It is also historical fantasy, set mostly in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Harrow is a former History professor and her understanding of the time period shows.